About Our Business

A Little About Us...

About us

At QR Mobile Marketing, we are experts at building mobile marketing strategies and integration control measures that will Save-You-Time, Increase Productivity & make your business More Profitable.

With our Social Media Management, we help businesses to be seen on Social Media taking care of all the menial tasks that businesses do not have time for. Like regular posting, that will help them be “top of mind” with an ongoing presence on Social Media sites.

QR Mobile Marketing can help your small business gain a foothold on mobile marketing strategies & tactics that will bring you more local customers, increase your bottom-line revenue and grow your business. We cater to Small Business professionals, entrepreneurs, and even corporations. We provide Mobile Marketing services such as SMS/Texting, Mobile Apps and Video Production and Marketing, to any business that needs to have a solid online presence.

We love Social Media and helping businesses in their Online Marketing efforts.